Welcome to the Human Performance Outliers Podcast with hosts Dr. Shawn Baker and Zach Bitter. For this episode, we welcome Dr. Zsofia Clemens onto the show. Zsofia is a biologist and clinical researcher in nutrition, nutritional therapy and neurology, and a specialist in paleolithic ketogenic physiology. She is part of the Paleo Medicina group in Budapest. You can find more information about paleomedicina at https://www.paleomedicina.com/en
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Thank you Unicity for sponsoring this episode! Discounts available on your order of Unimate Yerba Mate: unicity.com/hpo (@unicity & @unicityinternational)
***DR. SHAWN BAKER'S BOOK*** "The Carnivore Diet" Amazon and Barnes and Noble
Instagram handles: @shawnbaker1967, @zachbitter, @zsofiaclemens
Twitter handles: @SBakerMD, @zbitter, @ClemensZsofia
Facebook handles: Shawn Baker, @zach.bitter, @paleomedicina
Website URLs: zachbitter.com , shawn-baker.com, and paleomedicina.com
If you would like to set up a consult call with either Zach or Shawn, you can schedule with Zach at calendly.com/zbittercoaching and with Shawn at shawn-baker.com/consultation/.
If you would like to contact the show, please send your emails to hpopodcast@gmail.com
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